From Sun Oct 31 10:50:44 1999 Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 12:00:13 -0700 (PDT) From: Priest To: Subject: You will be missed Krystalia I want to take a moment to express my sorrow over the loss of Krystalia. It is a dark day when such a bright star is snuffed out. Many have commented on how she is gone and there is no God or that God is so cruel in taking her from us. I want to point out that, for those of you with faith, He does not work that way. For those of you who choose not to believe, let us set aside or dogma for the moment and not debate the merits of either point of view. Instead let's come together to morn and to grieve over the loss of Krystalia. She is not truly gone as long as we remember her and instead of cursing the evil that brought her low perhaps I may be so bold as to recommend that we give thanks that, while she was with us only a short time, we were graced with someone as special as she. ...Priest